Chair: Larry Carpenter
Hans Lennie
Eric Reed
Rob Gau
James Pokiak

Dang Dang Gruben
Jim Elias

Janine Harvey
Norman Snowshoe
Joanna Wilson
Nathalie Lowry

Opeyemi Aluko, WMAC NWT Coordinator
Kendra Tingmiak,
Wildlife Biologist

Jessica Norris, Wildlife Biologist


Wildlife Management Advisory Council

Six members representing Canada, the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Inuvialuit, form the WMAC (NWT) together with its Chair. The Chair is appointed by the Government of the NWT with consent of the Inuvialuit and Canada. Responsible for the area of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region that falls within the Northwest Territories, (the Western Arctic Region) the Council provides advice to federal and territorial government ministers on all issues relating to wildlife in that Region.

Central to the WMAC (NWT)’s activities has been the production of the Inuvialuit Renewable Resources Conservation and Management Plan. This plan outlines goals and principles for conservation in the Western Arctic Region.

Complementing the overall Regional Plan are six community-specific conservation plans . Through these efforts, the Council is supporting Inuvialuit interests for environmental protection and resource conservation while also maintaining traditional lifestyles.

Through the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of the Northwest Territories (ENR), the Council is involved in research on various species of wildlife such as polar bears, caribou and migratory waterfowl. Inuvialuit knowledge is also gathered and helps set research priorities. The WMAC (NWT) considers the development, design, conduct, and interpretation of research on the basis of both Inuvialuit and scientific knowledge. The information gathered is used by the Council to determine and recommend appropriate quotas for Inuvialuit harvesting in the Western Arctic Region. The Council also provides advice to the appropriate ministers on all matters relating to wildlife policy and the management, regulation and administration of wildlife, habitat and harvesting for the Western Arctic Region. Working together, the Council, the Inuvialuit and government agencies ensure wildlife conservation and environmental protection.

The WMAC (NWT) is also a member of the Advisory Committee for Cooperation on Wildlife Management (ACCWM), which is a group of co-management boards in the range of the Cape Bathurst, Tuk Pen and Bluenose-West caribou herds. The ACCWM exchanges information, helps develop cooperation and consensus, and makes recommendations regarding wildlife and wildlife habitat issues that cross land claim and treaty boundaries. More information can be found at