What we do
In 1984, Parliament enacted the Western Arctic Claims (Inuvialuit) Settlement Act, thereby giving effect to the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA).
In 1986, The Joint Secretariat was established to provide financial, technical and administrative support to the Inuvialuit Game Council and 4 of the 5 co-management boards.
Goals of the IFA
Preserve Inuvialuit cultural identity and values within a changing northern society.
Enable Inuvialuit to be equal and meaningful participants in the northern and national economy and society.
Protect and preserve Arctic wildlife, environment and biological productivity.
Our Mission
support and facilitate the interests and activities of the wildlife and environmental councils, committees and boards, established pursuant to the Inuvialuit Final Agreement in any matters relating to their responsibilities and interests.
provide administrative (financial/clerical) support to those councils, committees and boards and to arrange logistics of meetings pursuant to the business of those councils, committees and boards.
record and make available all materials associated with the business of those councils, committees and boards as required by their Chairs and other appropriate agencies.
establish and maintain working liaisons between the Joint Secretariat and other Inuvialuit organizations, Government, Industry, the Academic sector and other relevant agencies or organizations.
provide technical resource support to those councils, committees and boards as required by their Chairs.
Illustration of Joint Secretariat’s relationship between the JS and IGC, plus the co-management bodies