Environmental Impact Review Board

Board Members

Catherine Cockney - Chair

Ethel-Jean Gruben - IGC Member
Gerald Inglangasuk - IGC Member
Kate Hearn - GNWT Member Bruce McLean - YTG Member Cynthia Ene - Canada Member


Alice Lutaladio - Resource Coordinator

If the EISC deems a project to have potential significant environmental impacts, it will refer that project to the Environmental Impact Review Board (EIRB) for further assessment and review.

The EIRB initiates the public phase of environmental reviews by inviting the general public to participate in the review process. The public can participate in a number of ways, including by registering as an intervener and participating at a public hearing. These public hearings usually occur in the community most affected by the proposed development.

After gathering its information, the EIRB will prepare a final report with its recommendations to be submitted to the federal authority. The federal authority will choose to accept, alter, or reject these recommendations. No permit or license shall be issued without final approval.

The EIRB consists of six members. Three members are appointed by the Inuvialuit Game Council; one member is nominated by the Government of the Northwest Territories; one member is nominated by the Yukon Territorial Government; one member is appointed by the Government of Canada. The two Territorial nominations are appointed by the Government of Canada. The Chair of the EIRB is appointed by the Government of Canada with consent from the Inuvialuit Game Council.